Lilium regale E.H. Wilson, botanical family Liliaceae, herbaceous plant up to 1 meter tall, large, white, waxy, very fragrant flowers, present in Canela, on the road that goes to São Francisco de Paula, RS.

The plant causes stomach upset and is harmful if ingested. Its foliage, pollen, roots, sap, seed capsules, and seeds are toxic. Location: 29°19’15.3″S 50°46’32.3″W, Feb 13, 2025.

White lilly (29°19’15.3″S 50°46’32.3″W), Feb 13, 2025.

Flower of white lilly, located in Canela, RS (29°19’15.3″S 50°46’32.3″W), Feb 13, 2025.

The white lily attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. It is a favorite of the yellow swallowtail butterfly (3).

Pests reported in L. regale: mite Brevipalpus lirium Baker, 1949(Mesa Cobo, 2005); fungus Botryotinia sphaerosperma (Scheck et al., 2003), insect Lilioceris lilii (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (1, 2).
A floristic study carried out in Luiziana, Paraná, used as a basis for the elaboration of the geoecological profile, identified L. regale among the 14 invasive alien species present (Mezommo et al., 2014).
BIBLIOGRAFY (Numbers in the text have links that lead directly to the source.)
Mezzomo, M.M., Ghisso, K.W. & Campos, D.V., 2014. Geo-Ecological Caracterization As Subsidy For Environmental Studies In RPPNS (In Portuguese): Case Studies In Parana. Revista Árvore, 38(5), pp.907–917. Available at: [Accessed February 14, 2025].
Scheck, H.J., Fogle, D.G. & Tidwell, T.E., 2003. First report of Botryotinia blight of Asiatic hybrid Lily caused by Botryotinia sphaerosperma in North America. Plant disease, 87(11), p.1396. Available at: