About me

Eng. Agr. Valmir Duarte
Founder & editor

Ph.D. Plant Health (LSU, USA), CREA-RS 29.404, Full Professor of Phytopathology (UFRGS, Retired), Lattes Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6204200065048092, Director of PHOM – Plant Health Open Market

O que é PHOM?

PHOMPlant Health Open Market

Our mission is to assist those involved in agriculture in solving plant health issues across different realms. Currently, our focus is on providing Pest Risk Analysis reports to aid those interested in importing new plant products. But it won’t stop there. We believe in and will always seek to align ourselves with the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).


To unite service and product providers necessary to promote plant health and to gather and disseminate relevant knowledge.


PHOM envisions the development of a platform of products and services that will help to create a network to meet any demand in the field of plant health, including knowledge.